With a unique blend of fashion and blockchain technology, WearU

Dubai, June 29, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) – Fashion is an ever-evolving industry where technology has played a key role in accelerating trends in the industry’s market. The target person of a growing industry is always demanding more as this demand has driven projects to merge their business with large technology such as Blockchain.

One of the drivers of revenue for the fashion industry has been their innovation, and with almost 1.2 million searches for Blockchain every day, it’s only fair for them to integrate their business model with Blockchain and take it further.

A specific project that caught everyone’s attention is WearU-Unlimited Fashion, a decentralized Metaverse-based marketplace for everything that has to do with fashion.

With the latest and greatest from Blockchain, WearU is heavily thrown at blockchain, as it brings users and consumers closer to fashion like never before. WearU aims to build a bridge between the digital realm and the reality that exists in today’s world. It is safe to say that the project has already completed 50% of what it aims to do with the public sale of the project token, all set to be launched on June 22, 2022.

What does WearU do?

The basic ideology of WearU is what makes it unique. It aims to build an ecosystem that provides space for young and independent fashion designers who can coexist with relatively large brands, improve their grip on trends and avoid monopolies that crush industrial growth.

WearU is about bringing the rich of fashion closer to people with their revolutionary function VirtuScan; they aim to change the idea of ​​connecting customers and fashion companies for good.

VirtuScan, a possible Gamechanger:

The biggest obstacle many companies in the fashion industry face is their inability to create a platform for their customers to experience the look and feel of their clothing. And with the pandemic and the whole world moving to the mains for their fashion needs, VirtuScan is a revolutionary idea on that front.

VirtuScan allows users to scan their products and save a 3-dimensional image of their clothing. They get the flexibility to change the clothes’ color tone, saturation and contrast to give a much more realistic feel. Users can create a database in the cloud of their clothes, and with a capacity of 1000 per day, it becomes extremely easy for companies to maintain an online portfolio that contains the exact look and feel of their products and helps customers decide their fashion without much worry. for what the delivered product will look like.

The Metaverse Marketing Game:

One of the major innovations in marketing has been Metaverse Marketing. The fashion industry is projected to grow from a $ 1.5 trillion industry to a $ 2 trillion industry by 2023. With the involvement of metaverse marketing and the blockchain industry, it is forecast to reach the $ 2 trillion threshold by 2022.

The biggest advantage of the WearU ecosystem is the dominant power play of blockchain features such as using their native utility token WRU, a BEP20 token as the digital currency that will be used to trade within the WearU marketplace metaverse. The main highlight of the token design is the architecture of the token. The architecture deviates from traditional norms and maintains an intelligent blend of artificial intelligence and machine learning that leverages the best use of traditional smart contracts on the blockchain. The advantage? This glorious architecture helps to increase system performance by almost 1024 times more than traditional ecosystems, making the ecosystem more powerful. Apart from being an innovative and efficient token, it is also tax-free to buy and sell, which increases market demand.

Tokenomics Of WRU Token:

The total supply of the WRU token will be 1,000,000,000 (1 billion) with a hard hold of 600,000 BUSD (Binance USD). The price of the token is set at 1666.67 WRU per BUSD with a maximum purchase check of 3000 BUSD per wallet and a minimum purchase check of 100 BUSD per wallet. Public sale for the WearU token will go live on June 22, 2022 on their original website and will be broadcast live after the sale. The token will be used for exclusive memberships and access to various items spread across the WearU metaverse.

To learn more about WearU, visit:

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