Where will HIVE Blockchain Technologies Ltd (HIVE) shares go next after it is 9.23% higher in one week?
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HIVE Blockchain Technologies Ltd (HIVE) stock has gained 9.23% in the last week and is given a Bullish rating from InvestorsObserver Sentiment indicator.
What is stock sentiment?
In investment, sentiment generally means whether a given security is in favor with investors or not. It is usually a fairly short-term calculation that relies entirely on technical analysis. That means it has nothing to do with the health or profitability of the underlying company. Recent trends are a good indicator of current market sentiment. In its most basic form, stocks that are trending up are desirable by investors, while stocks that are currently falling must be unattractive.
InvestorsObserverThe Sentimental Indicator tracks both changes in price and volume to analyze the latest trends. Generally, an increase in volume indicates that ongoing trends are strengthening, while a decrease in volume usually signals an end to the current trend. Available options can also represent current sentiment about a given stock. Since investors are able to bet on the future trends of stocks using options, we consider the relationship between calls and puts when analyzing market sentiment.
What is happening to HIVE shares today?
HIVE Blockchain Technologies Ltd (HIVE) stock traded at $3.67 as of 11:08 AM on Tuesday, April 11th, up $0.16 or 4.56% from the previous close of $3.51. The stock has traded between $3.57 and $3.75 so far today. Volume today is 955,474 compared to average volume of 1,119,657. Click here to look for more stocks like HIVE Blockchain Technologies Ltd.
More about HIVE Blockchain Technologies Ltd
HIVE Blockchain Technologies Ltd is engaged in providing infrastructure solutions in the blockchain industry, including the mining of digital currencies. The projects include the Island Cryptocurrency Mining Project. Click here to get the full stock report for HIVE Blockchain Technologies Ltd stock.