When will it be in prime time?

eSports and blockchain games can create a golden combination, but there is more work to be done. Efforts to date have sparked some interest in this concept, although they failed to deliver. However, the next iteration of Web3-focused eSports could be right around the corner.

Blockchain-based eSports remain viable

It is not the first time that the ideas of blockchain games and eSports have been mentioned in the same breath. After all, most games to earn games on the blockchain have a player-versus-player component that is considered the “endgame”. Although players can explore a campaign or story craft and complete quests, their rewards will be much lower compared to traditional PvP content. Furthermore, pitting players against each other creates a competitive element that can lead to exploring eSports opportunities.

However, creating a compelling blockchain game title that caters to an eSports audience is not that easy. Although there have been dozens of attempts, it’s usually an overly simplistic game. Such battles do not require too much strategy or offer very little customization. Plus, there’s always a concern about how people who spend more on these games can buy better avatars and gear to gain a competitive edge.

Building a true eSports-capable game requires several key elements, including:

  • Exciting gameplay for players and viewers
  • Competitions and tournaments
  • Rich game mechanics

Most of the blockchain games on the market today do not meet one or more of these criteria. It’s unfortunate, but it also serves as a valuable lesson for developers looking to push into competitive gaming.

A title that Axie Infinity, which heavily emphasizes PvP combat for revenue since Season 17 – will never be an eSports title in its current format. Rich players can buy the best characters in the game and trample the competition with ease. Splinterlands, the popular card battle game, offers more options on that front, although it doesn’t have the best large-scale tournament and event infrastructure either. Something extra is needed to make all the puzzle pieces fit together.

The next generation of Blockchain eSports

Various blockchain games in development want to pursue the eSports approach to gain mainstream traction. It’s a laudable strategy, although one that can prove difficult to master. A game that Apeiron will enable balanced and action-packed gameplay with online and offline game streaming capabilities. Furthermore, the team intends to explore the transition from online-only cards to physical game cards that synergize with game elements. The game-rich mechanics are an important building block for establishing a solid eSports entry.

All of this sounds great, but the impact of blockchain on eSports goes much further. The technology is designed to increase player revenue from tournaments, establish a self-sustaining ecosystem, bring more engaging content to a global audience and provide better content monetization options. A card battle game can check all of these boxes over time, as there are many decks and building tips to share. Moreover, Apeiron’s god-based gameplay caters to a global audience of users eager to explore a colorful universe.

Blockchain titles venturing into eSports must provide a comprehensive and compelling digital entertainment experience. That approach requires innovative and original concepts, unlike the ideas most games embrace today. In addition, the titles must offer autonomy to the players, including the monetization opportunities that come with it. Apeiron will feature interactive story-making involving mythology, franchises and popular brands worldwide. Everyone can create their narrative, introducing a variety of content creation and eSports opportunities.

Other titles in the industry include Zuki Moba, Metabirdsand Cryptofights: Battlegrounds Evolved. Each of these games offers an important eSports element, whether you’re betting on the outcome of a match, multiplayer support or highly competitive [MOBA] gaming. Combining all these aspects into a compelling game could provide the next big eSports title to join the likes of Dota2 and League of Legends.

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