Trump has even lost QAnon with his “stupid NFT Cash Grab”

Donald Trump has been on a roll, but not the good kind. Over the past month, the former president has a) had Thanksgiving dinner with two anti-Semites, one of them also a white nationalist; b) launched a premature third presidential campaign; and c) saw his business found guilty of 17 counts of fraud. The big guy needs a win and last week he didn’t get one. After clamoring for a “BIG ANNOUNCEMENT”, the surprise turned out to be just limping NFTs. Even TrumpWorld wasn’t feeling it, and it’s now extending to the conspiracy theorist freaks at QAnon.

As per Vice, after Trump announced a line of $99 digital trading cards, the reaction among those who believe in some pedophile cabal involving the likes of Tom Hanks was decidedly unimpressed. The reviews were not kind. On Telegram, one person considered it a “sh*t storm debacle”. Another called it “silly NFT money,” while yet another saw it as nothing more than Trump “shilling NFTs for campaign funds.”

It’s a shame since the ridiculous NFTs seemed to be aimed at QAnon types in particular. In the video announcement, Trump said the cards “contain amazing ART of my Life & Career.” But did it? Some of them are depicted as an astronaut and a fighter pilot. (In real life, Trump managed to avoid the Vietnam War.) But few of his target audience were impressed.

“This is shady filth,” one person wrote on a pro-Trump message board. That prompted another to write: “A damn NFT? He needs a new PR team.” “a dog game.” Another called it: “Cringe and tacky.”

Not everyone felt deflated. After Trump posted another video on his rinky-dink Twitter clone, promising to “smash the left-wing censorship regime” if re-elected, some claimed it was his real “BIG announcement.” Another went even further and made the promising claim that there was a 4D chess plan to destroy NFTs.

“The invention of NFT was always an attempt to crack down on free speech,” claimed a QAnon follower on Telegram. “What Trump is doing is smart, we all know the liberals will hate anything Trump supports. By creating his own NFTs, he has destroyed liberal support for NFTs and thereby shut down any notion that any Democrat could support the creation of the NFT legal internet censorship structure.”

Still, even they couldn’t argue that his stupid NFTs were good.

(Via Vice)

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