The new green crypto built by experts in environmental renovation
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Green crypto project CasolCoin is building a large Web3 ecosystem, dedicated to changing our pattern of energy consumption using the latest technologies. CasolCoin will set the stage for a new era of environmental action using its community token CSL, now in the early stages of its presale.
Green crypto that makes a difference
Remember the time when the blockchain industry and cryptocurrencies were accused of exacerbating the climate crisis? The market has come a long way since then. While the transition to energy-efficient consensus mechanisms over time has definitely helped, the rise of green crypto projects pushing the boundaries of blockchain innovation has changed the face of the industry.
CasolCoin is a pioneering cryptocurrency that serves as a good example.
The ERC-20 token is underpinned by a green Web3 program that aims to rebuild our planet. CasolCoin is the green crypto of GROUPE CASOL, a company based in Toulouse, France, in 2016 by Hugues CASTRO and Paul ESCAFIT. It specializes in eco-renovation and has an excellent track record in the home renovation market, having worked with both homeowners and professionals.

GROUPE CASOL is widely known for its complete range of turnkey work – everything from audits to compliance reports on works. The project stands out in the market with a focus on optimizing household energy consumption through insulation, heating and renewable energy. In addition, the group’s unique approach allows customers to benefit from help related to the energy transition and thus reduce their energy bill.
In the initial phase, the group built its knowledge of carrying out eco-renovation work, developing a network of companies specializing in renovations. And within a short time it positioned itself as a leader in energy renovation by developing a global offer, everything from energy audits to certification of the work carried out. What helped GROUPE CASOL conquer the market was its quick response to the evolving market and customer expectations. CasolCoin will stay in line with the project’s mission to penetrate the tech-savvy new generation.
Since June 2021, the company has been listed on the Euronext Access Paris Stock Exchange.
Visit CasolCoin
How eco-renovation stops global warming
The temperature of the earth has increased since the industrial revolution. While nature’s role in global warming cannot be ruled out, it is surprisingly low compared to human activities. The increasing emissions of greenhouse gases are the biggest culprits in the climate crisis. The little thought we put into our daily activities makes our planet warmer.
Although the consequences are hardly visible to us now, the average global temperature of the earth has increased by at least 1.1° Celsius (1.9° Fahrenheit) since 1880, according to an ongoing temperature analysis led by scientists at NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS). Most of the warming has occurred since 1975, at a rate of about 0.15 °C to 0.20 °C per decade.

The global temperature depends on how much energy the earth receives from the sun, as well as how much it radiates back into space. Although the energy coming from the sun does not undergo many variations each year, the amount of energy radiated by the earth can be affected by our actions. It depends on the chemical composition of the atmosphere, including the amount of heat-trapping greenhouse gases.
Now you must be wondering why a one degree fluctuation in temperature is a big deal. Well, a temperature drop of one to two degrees sent the Earth into the Little Ice Age. And a five-degree drop buried most of North America under ice 20,000 years ago. In fact, a study conducted by NASA reveals that global warming may make many geographical areas on earth completely uninhabitable by 2050. Moreover, high heat may prove fatal to humans.
CasolCoin will participate in the fight against global warming, harnessing the enormous potential of eco-renovation and blockchain that centers around transparency and decentralization. At its heart, eco-renovation focuses on transforming a property to become more environmentally friendly. This is achieved, among other things, through strategic improvements in insulation, window placement, heating, installation of solar panels, local purchases and garden design.
CasolCoin’s blockchain integration allows anyone to access funding for projects to achieve energy savings. Once up and running, the CasolCoin platform will enable project submissions, which are then submitted for community funding. You will be able to convert your CasolCoins into a unique collection of NFTs, which will have value in both the eco-renovation and collectibles markets.
The most profitable entrance to CasolCoin is now open
The crypto market is entering a new era driven by utility and innovation. CasolCoin’s rich value proposition dedicated to climate action underlines its relevance in the developed market. As one of the most promising cryptocurrencies in 2023, the token is witnessing a huge influx of investors to the ongoing pre-sale that started on December 17, 2022. Although the pre-sale is scheduled to last until April 16, 2023, it may sell out much earlier, judging by the growing interest in the project.

The token is predicted to climb anywhere from 20X-35X by the first half of 2023, if white paper is unfolding as planned, ensuring top-level partnerships and integrations. The supply of CasolCoin is limited to 3 billion, of which 1 billion tokens are for sale at $0.01/CSL (CasolCoin). You can buy the token in a few easy steps using ETH via Metamask or Wallet Connect wallets.
The CasolCoin team is fully verified by Coinsult and the project has been safety audited by Rock’n’Blockexcludes the risk of carpet pulling and hacking and creates confidence in the way forward.
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