Riot Blockchain Inc (RIOT) up 1.02%

Riot Blockchain Inc (RIOT) is up 1.02% today.

RIOT stock closed at $5.87 and is up $0.06 in pre-market trading. Pre-market tends to be more volatile due to significantly lower volume as most investors only trade between standard trading hours. RIOT has a strong overall score of 75, which means that the stock has better value than 75% of stocks at the current price. InvestorsObserver’s overall ranking system is a comprehensive evaluation and takes into account both technical and fundamental factors when assessing a share. The overall score is a great starting point for investors starting to evaluate a stock. RIOT receives an average short-term technical score of 60 from InvestorsObserver’s proprietary rating system. This means that the stock’s trading pattern over the past month has been neutral. Riot Blockchain Inc currently has the 123rd highest short-term technical score in the Software Applications industry. Short-term technical score evaluates a stock’s trading pattern over the past month and is most useful for short-term stock and options traders. Riot Blockchain Inc’s overall and short-term technical results paint a strong picture for RIOT’s recent trading patterns and projected price. Click here for the full report on Riot Blockchain Inc (RIOT)