Revolutionizing the telecom industry with blockchain


Today’s world is more interconnected than ever before, and as such, communications infrastructure has become the lifeblood of the global economy. Whether you are a small business owner, a multinational corporation or an individual, your life would not be the same without the ability to communicate instantly across the globe.

For this seamless flow of information and data to be possible, the world depends on many critical components, with telecom operators playing a central role. These unsung heroes of the digital age play an important role in enabling the transmission of information, data and voice over great distances.

Unfortunately, most people are unaware of the complexities involved in ensuring reliable and efficient communications networks. Telecom operators invest significant resources in building and maintaining the infrastructure required to support global connectivity. Fortunately for everyone, Zeebu wants to revolutionize the global telecom operator landscape forever.

Bringing the telecom industry into the 21st century

The idea that the telecoms industry is essential to modern society is something most people are aware of. After all, anyone who has suffered from poor reception or outages can attest to this fact. Unfortunately, despite this importance, the industry has long struggled with various challenges that threaten its efficiency and profitability.

Plagued by inefficiencies, outdated business models and trust issues, the telecom industry has to deal with higher costs, delays in remittances, revenue leakages and disputes that end up affecting the end user. This problem is further exacerbated by the increasing regularity of security threats such as fraud and cyber-attacks, which have skyrocketed in recent years.

These challenges have created an urgent need for a solution that can revolutionize the operations of telecom operators, especially as the demand for fast, reliable and secure communication services continues to grow exponentially. Enter Zeebu, the world’s first B2B loyalty tool designed specifically for the telecom operator industry.

Zeebu aims to address the telecom industry’s pain points by leveraging blockchain technology to create a decentralized and transparent marketplace specifically designed with its needs in mind. This will allow telecom industry players to bring their infrastructure and business models into the 21st century, laying the foundation for a telecom revolution powered by web3.

Zeebu: Revolutionizing the telecom industry with blockchain

By introducing a secure and trustless marketplace where buyers and sellers can directly exchange voice traffic, Zeebu seeks to eliminate the inefficiencies plaguing the telecom industry. The project seeks to do this by using blockchain, tokens and smart contracts to drive secure and instant transactions at a fraction of the cost.

In addition to more efficient settlement of transactions, the telecom industry will also benefit from earning rewards for each transaction they complete. This is possible due to the removal of intermediaries, resulting in a more active ecosystem where both buyers and sellers have real incentives to participate.

The Zeebu ecosystem is powered by the ZBU tool. Built on the Ethereum network, the token facilitates cross-border settlements by making them more efficient, cost-effective, transparent, secure and frictionless. The token is also used to reward businesses operating in the Zeebu ecosystem, further increasing the financial benefits the ecosystem brings to the table.

Zeebu Toolbox

The Zeebu token would not be able to do much on its own, which is why Zeebu offers a variety of features that cater to the specific needs of the telecom industry. These features are all easily accessible through a platform designed to be as user-friendly as possible despite being built on blockchain technology, imitating the web2 look that every internet user is already familiar with.

The Zeebu ecosystem offers a built-in wallet that allows users to deposit, withdraw, store and trade their money. Unlike many web3 wallets, the Zeebu wallet offers built-in support for multiple fiat currencies in addition to ZBU.

Merchants operating on the Zeebu platform can also generate invoices within seconds by providing fairly basic information. This includes the customer’s email, delivery method, invoice number, goods/price/quantity and the order total. The invoice is sent immediately to the customer, who can then review it and pay instantly using their favorite cold or hot wallet.

To ensure that all users can easily keep track of all their transactions, Zeebu also offers a powerful reporting interface. Users can generate comprehensive reports that provide many different KPIs as well as detailed information about each transaction they have settled through the Zeebu ecosystem.

Finally, Zeebu also offers an exchange trading tool that allows users to easily trade cryptocurrencies, stablecoins and fiat for ZBU with just a few clicks. This makes it easy for sellers and buyers in the telecom industry to operate in the Zeebu ecosystem using their favorite currency and without leaving the platform.

The technology behind Zeebu

To offer a truly innovative solution to the challenges faced by the telecom industry, Zeebu has created an ecosystem built on four technology layers: UI/UX, PSP, Blockchain and Backend. Each of these layers serves a different purpose, ensuring a holistic approach to the security, efficiency and stability of the platform.

The UI/UX layer provides a user-friendly interface for customers and sellers to interact with the entire ecosystem. Built using React and Javascript, two of the most well-known and stable programming languages, this team provides an intuitive and efficient experience that few blockchain projects can match.

The PSP team (Payment Service Provider) handles payment processing and invoice settlement. This layer ensures compliance with KYC (Know Your Customer) and AML (Anti-Money Laundering) regulations, providing trust and security to all users as well as facilitating partnerships with payment processors.

The blockchain layer plays a crucial role in Zeebu’s ecosystem. Built on the Ethereum network and the Binance Smart Chain, this layer brings the best of two of the most important networks to ensure instant on-chain settlement, along with unmatched transparency and security.

Finally, the back-end team takes care of administrative tasks such as database operations, single sign-on and task automation, which are the processes needed for Zeebu to achieve the levels of availability it offers. By combining decentralized and centralized infrastructure, this layer ensures that the overall performance of the platform is second to none.

More than a platform: an ecosystem

As a marketplace that wants to offer players in the telecom industry the opportunity to operate more efficiently, Zeebu requires much more than just good technology and an efficient economic model. For this reason, the Zeebu team has paid special attention to forming partnerships and onboarding users from the early stages.

Zeebu has already brought in major players in the industry, including operators such as BBT Voice Limited, Broadband Telecom, BridgeVoice and Novatel. With many others being evaluated after joining the official waiting list, Zeebu is poised to leverage the expertise and networks of established carriers, fostering a collaborative environment for more efficient operations.

On the security front, Zeebu has worked closely with Certik to evaluate the security of the platform and the ZBU token through an independent audit. This audit found only 3 items of concern, which were considered by the firm to be minor (2) and informative (1). These were quickly resolved by the Zeebu team.

These partnerships are further enhanced by the team of experts behind the Zeebu ecosystem, which includes co-founders Raj Brahmbhatt (CEO), Keshav Pandya (COO) and Dr. Raghavendar Hunasgi (CMO), as well as advisors such as Rama Iyer and Hosam Akkad.

The Zeebut team has planned the global launch of the product to take place in the third quarter of 2023, an announcement that has already created significant buzz in the telecom industry. Since the project has apparently covered all its bases, this is certainly an ecosystem that deserves a lot of attention.


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