Latina/x Founders Debut Culturally Competent SHENIX™ Fintech Online App Empowering Latinas/x to Create Financial Legacies

“Juan Carlos, Patricia and I see SHENIX™ as a powerful and much-needed financial tool that will help Latinas build a stronger foundation for who they are and what they are worth, and help them achieve their life’s dreams.”
7 December 2022
Financial industry expert Olga Camargo knows that in many Latina-led households, these women—in addition to being caretakers and community advocates—hold the power of the purse when making financial decisions for their families and businesses. Because financial apps fail to prioritize Latina culture, these women struggle to find financial and investment resources that speak to their culture and help build their own personal and professional wealth and prosperity.
Recognizing the need for a solution to help Latinas reach the next level, Camargo, together with national leaders and business partners Juan Carlos Avila and Patricia Mota, formed SHENIX™, a fintech web-based app designed for Latinas that enables value creation and contributes to close the money gap. Latinas will be able to make decisions with confidence for themselves, their families, and their communities. Camargo is the founder and CEO of SHENIX™, Avila is the co-founder and president; and Mota is a co-founder.
“Juan Carlos, Patricia and I see SHENIX™ as a powerful and much-needed financial tool that will help Latinas build a stronger foundation for who they are and what they are worth, and help them achieve their life dreams,” explained Camargo.
The idea for a tool was born out of Camargo’s frustration with what she witnessed working part-time as a high school student at her mother’s bridal shop in Chicago’s Little Village Mexican neighborhood. A financial consultant who spoke only English asked a young Camargo to translate his information for her mother. He then directly hit on her while ignoring his mother.
“I said to myself, ‘This is not right,” Camargo said. “I realized that Latinos were trying to make important financial decisions, and they were struggling. Furthermore, I saw that there were no resources to give these women access to financial information and guidance. After experiencing the negative impact firsthand, as well as seeing a lack of culturally relevant financial tools and resources in the Latinx community, my team and I took our combined 80+ years of experience building businesses, delivering investment advisory services, and providing culturally relevant career and financial programs to create this empowerment tool for Latina professionals across the country.”
The easy-to-use, on-demand app will provide financial education, investment tools, banking services, career planning and salary negotiation resources, and investment advisory services through a unique digital experience that prioritizes Latina culture.
“Currently, Latinos suffer from the largest wealth gap in the United States, earning just 49 cents for every dollar paid to Caucasian men, according to the National Partnership for Women & Families,” Camargo said. “While a devastating statistic, this unfair divide is further exacerbated by the pandemic that began in 2019 and continues. We believe that without culturally compatible financial solutions, Latinas will not be able to recover financially.”
The founders are proud to launch SHENIX™ as it will change the lives of Latinas across the country and will help Latinas build their financial legacies.
“With SHENIX™, we will meet the needs of Latinas/x who lead a community of powerful economic contributions, representing $1.7 trillion in purchasing power, $2.8 trillion in GDP and opening businesses seven times faster than any other group in United States,” Camargo said.
“We know firsthand the economic impact SHENIX™ will have on the generational wealth of the Latinx community for decades. We have created a fintech tool that will bridge the cultural divide for Latinas on an individual basis, in business, and ultimately transform their personal , professional and family experiences.” For more information, visit
About SHENIX™:
SHENIX™ is an innovative financial company built by Latinas/x, for Latinas/x, providing culturally relevant financial services to the Latina/x community to help them accelerate their economic and social transformation while prioritizing their cultural mindset. SHENIX™ offers financial education, digital financial services, career planning and salary negotiation resources, and access to investment advisory services that support Latinas/x life goals. Our mission is to address Latina Equal Pay Day and support Latinas to close the wealth gap, the widest facing any group in the United States SHENIX™ is supported by the University of Illinois System, US Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Illinois Hispanic Chamber of Commerce LatinX Incubator, Hispanic Alliance for Career Enhancement, LatinaStyle Magazine, TechRise by P33, and is a member of 1871—Chicago’s premier technology and entrepreneurship center. Negocios Now National Hispanic Business Publication listed FARO Associates DBA SHENIX™ in its “50 Most Powerful Businesses in Illinois.” For more information, visit ###
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