Japan uses NFTs to reward local governments for exemplary service

Seven Japanese mayors were awarded awards for their outstanding achievements since taking office. The awards took the form of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and were primarily issued to government officials for their role in promoting the digital economies of their cities.

The NFTs were Ethereum-based Proof of Attendance Protocol (POAP) NFTs issued from the Hazama base, a platform that has found previous use among Japanese political parties, according to a Coinpost report. The NFTs cannot be resold on the secondary market, making them of a non-transferable nature.

The Cabinet Secretariat issued the awards at the “Summer Digi Denkoshien 2022” event under the supervision of Hirokazu Matsuno, Chief Cabinet Secretary. The event drew attendees from the highest levels of the Japanese government, with Prime Minister Fumio Kishida in attendance.

The mayor of Sakata, Yamagata Prefecture, was awarded for his government’s role in proposing the use of electric cars for local deliveries, while the mayor of Maebashi, Gunma Prefecture, was recognized for proposing the use of cameras to monitor the changes in traffic conditions in cities. areas.

The event drew support from technology companies in the country, such as Tree Digital Studio, Tomonari Kogei, Bitflyer Holdings and Indiesquare. The awards ceremony marked the first time the country’s administrators will use distributed ledger technology to reward high-performing officials, with enthusiasts hoping the trend will roll into 2023.

Japan’s positive attitude towards distributed ledger technology

Japan is one of the leading countries in Web 3.0 adoption. The acceptance of the technology has been supported by the Prime Minister, other top government figures and a tech-savvy population.

Prime Minister Kishida revealed that Web 3.0 projects would be integral to the country’s efforts to improve its digital economy. He added that for the country’s ambitions to come through, an overhaul of the current tax regime and regulatory framework for digital assets is required to position it to compete globally.

Kishida notes that his regime will “boldly review systems and regulations that do not match the development of technology”, while a Liberal Democratic Party white paper suggests that NFTs and the metaverse will be instrumental in the country’s drive.

Kishida’s statements indicate that his government is open to working with the private sector, both locally and internationally.

Although NFT transaction volumes have slowed over the past two quarters, Japanese administrators’ move to use them in an awards ceremony illustrates utility beyond the commercial use typically associated with collectibles.

See: The presentation of the BSV Global Blockchain Convention, Buzzmint: Elevating NFTs

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