Increase Bitcoin 5000% by the end of 2022, do this!
As the bear trend continues into the fall, Bitcoin owners have seen the currency fall below the $20,000 threshold and the market continues to fall. Still, this does not mean that crypto owners should give up on digital assets or simply sit and wait for prices to recover.
In fact, in the current market conditions, some coins are actually increasing in value, such as RBIS, the symbol behind it ArbiSmart project. ArbiSmart is a rapidly growing ecosystem for financial services. It offers a number of bear-proof tools, which have made it a popular choice among crypto investors, and according to analysts, RBIS is set to rise to 30 times its current value by the end of the year and climb even higher in Q1 of 2023.
The perfect project in a crash
When it comes to monetizing your crypto in a bear market, many of the options are exceptionally risky or involve constant market monitoring.
However, ArbiSmart’s automated crypto arbitrage service allows users to deposit money and let the algorithm take over. It converts the funds into the native token, RBIS, and uses them to generate reliable passive profits of up to 45% a year. The exact amount depends on the size of the investment and remains the same no matter which direction the market moves.

Crypto arbitrage works by taking advantage of price inefficiencies. These are short periods where a coin is simultaneously available across exchanges at different prices. Inefficiencies arise all the time in all types of market conditions, and there are many causes, such as differences in trading volume between a larger exchange and a smaller one.
ArbiSmart’s automated system is connected to 35 exchanges, where it tracks hundreds of cryptoassets 24/7, looking for temporary inefficiencies. It buys the asset at the lowest bid price and then immediately sells it at the highest bid price to make a profit on the spread.
Another way ArbiSmart enables crypto owners to generate steady profits even in a bear market is with its recently launched interest-generating wallet. Users will earn the same level of interest in either a bull or bear market, earning unmatched rates of up to 147% on 25 different supported FIAT and cryptocurrencies.
Funds can be kept available, interest-free or held in savings plans for periods of one month, 3 months, 2 years, 3 years or five years, with better returns the longer the funds are locked up. Interest, which is paid daily, can also be sent to an available balance, where it is always available, or added to the locked savings, where it is earned at a higher rate of interest.

The exact amount of interest earned by a wallet holder is determined by their account level, which is based on how much RBIS they own. The more native tokens they have, the higher rates they earn on balances in all supported currencies from BTC and ETH to EUR and USD.
Wallet holders can open a savings plan in RBIS to earn a rate that is three times higher than for plans in all other currencies. However, if they wish to keep their savings plan in a preferred currency without converting it to RBIS, they can do so and still increase their income by choosing to receive the daily interest in RBIS.
Major expansion efforts
The ArbiSmart ecosystem is in the midst of a massive growth spurt, which began in July with the introduction of the new wallet. At the end of the 3rd quarter, the development team is scheduled to launch a mobile application for buying, exchanging and storing digital assets, and this will be almost immediately followed by the release of a DeFi protocol unlike any other available today, as it will include unique gamification features .
The protocol will enable farmers to borrow funds and provide liquidity for rewards that include up to 190,000% APY, plus 0.3% of fees charged on each trade.
In Q4, the team will also release a marketplace for buying and selling non-fungible tokens (NFTs), as well as an exclusive ArbiSmart collection of unique digital artwork. Close on its heels will be the launch of a cryptocurrency exchange as well as a monetization metaverse where participants can buy, build on, and sell plots of virtual land for actual profit.

This long list of new ArbiSmart services will be launched in rapid succession, providing several new potential sources of income, from yield farming and NFT investing to trading and gaming.
All these new tools will be interconnected, which means that using one service will ensure better conditions when using another. For example, by purchasing an ArbiSmart NFT, a yield farmer will benefit from a digital investment and a means to increase their score in the DeFi protocol and increase their APY.
A 200% increase in just 2 weeks
The RBIS token has already increased in value by over 200% in the last two weeks and continues to climb at an accelerated pace. This is largely due to the steady increase in token demand.
All ArbiSmart ecosystem services require the use of the RBIS token. With the growing popularity of the crypto arbitrage system due to the fact that it provides a good hedge against falling prices and the growing momentum of the new wallet, token usage will increase.
Since its introduction this July, the wallet has gained momentum, and as more people place RBIS into long-term, locked-in savings plans, taking it out of circulation, the available supply will decrease. Demand will rise even higher with the introduction of each of the many upcoming RBIS tools in the pipeline this winter.

The token supply is limited, meaning that the amount that can be created is permanently limited. Then, as the increasing token demand outpaces the shrinking supply, the RBIS price will shoot higher, generating profits for RBIS holders on the increasing token value. RBIS continues to climb, in line with analysts’ assessments, and now is the time to get on board before it’s no longer affordable.
Crypto investors who want to make money from Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies, even in a bear market, can start making money today with open a wallet now!
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