How much time do you need to learn?
Blockchain is one of the fastest growing technologies in the industry. According to Statista, revenue from blockchain is expected to reach 39 billion by 2025. The utility of blockchain technology emerges from its unique features such as immutability and decentralization. These functions allow the industry to build a network of tamper-proof records and values. The demand for blockchain professionals increases at the same time. This provides a lucrative job opportunity for job seekers.

What is blockchain?
Blockchain is a sophisticated technology. It uses a lot of cryptography to secure records and build a tamper-proof network, where records cannot be changed unless they are validated by a majority of participating parties on the network. This feature makes it suitable for several use cases in the industry. Supply chain, retail and finance, among others, use blockchain in their operations, which makes operations more efficient and streamlined.
Smart contractscryptocurrency and Dapps (decentralized applications) are important applications of the technology.
Working with blockchain requires a comprehensive understanding of programming, computer science, cryptography and web development. You need a strong knowledge of all the mentioned subjects to excel in blockchain development.
What skills do you need for blockchain development?
- Cryptography – This is the foundation of blockchain technology. Private-key encryption, public-key encryption and hash functions are important concepts in which you need to gain in-depth knowledge to work effectively.
- Data structures – Blockchain technology makes extensive use of Merkle trees, Patricia trees, linked lists and similar data structures. To fully understand the protocols and consensus mechanism, knowledge of data structures is a must.
- Smart contracts – These are self-executing programmable contracts. To work with smart contracts, you need knowledge of solidity and various smart contract development platforms such as Hyperledger, Corda, Ethereum, etc.
- Web Development – Dapps (decentralized applications) require an intuitive interface so that users can easily use them. These applications require background integration to be used on mobile or web. This requires knowledge of front-end and back-end development.
How long do you need to learn blockchain technology?
There is no specific timeline for how long it might take someone to learn blockchain development. It will depend on your skills in working with development. Plus the time you spend. Full-time developers can take anywhere between 2-3 months if they put in specific hours while still working their full-time job. A few blockchain certifications and courses offer to equip you with the necessary blockchain skills in less than a month.
For beginners and newly trained techs, it may take longer. Maybe 5-6 months. So there is no specific time frame within which a person can learn blockchain.
Blockchain Certifications
The following are some prominent ones blockchain certifications which promises to equip you with the necessary skills in a specific time frame.
- Certified Blockchain Expert (CBETM) – The Blockchain Council offers this certification. The certification equips you with all the necessary skills to work proficiently in blockchain development. According to the Blockchain Council, you need to spare 9 hours to take this certification.
- Certified Blockchain Engineer (CBETM) – The Central Blockchain Council of America offers this professional blockchain certification. CBETM is a premium credential for working and aspiring blockchain developers who want to take their blockchain career to the next level. The certification equips knowledge of many blockchain development platforms, including Hyper Ledger, Openchain, Stratis, Lisk, IOTA and Hydrachain.
- Certified blockchain developer (CBDTM) – This is another blockchain certification offered by the Blockchain Council and is meant for aspiring blockchain developers. You need at least 8 hours to complete this certification.