How Apecoin, Decentraland and Big Eyes Coin are Leading the NFT Crypto Space

NFT has created such frenzy and excitement in the crypto space that many lives have been transformed. Creators have used NFT to earn more income and showcase their talents to the world.
In the cryptocurrency market today, NFTs make up most of the transactions. More are looking for ways to exploit the market through NFT. However, the need to find the right channels becomes a difficult task.
This is why there is no better time for the rise of Apecoin (APE), Decentraland (MANA) and Big Eyes Coin (BIG) to lead more people into the exciting world of NFT. This article will show the huge benefits of investing in these assets in the cryptocurrency market.
Let’s dive in!
Apecoin (APE) – Bored Ape’s venture into coins
Not many enthusiasts can forget the feat that Apecoin (APE) has achieved to become the most talked about NFT in crypto news today. Apecoin APE was recorded to have a capitalization of $4.2 billion in the first month of its launch.
Apart from being a community governance, Apecoin (APE) has positioned itself in the NFT space as a pioneer in web 3.0. Users also enjoy the privilege of voting on ideas for the DAO, showing that Apecoin (APE) is a community token that empowers the people.
One of the benefits for users is access to the Bored Ape system, which allows them to connect to games and other aspects of cryptocurrency. Although the total supply is 1 billion tokens, the majority of the supply goes to the ecosystem. Apecoin (APE) bridges the gap between NFT and games for users, as long as the games support Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC)
Decentraland (MANA) – Continuously expanding Metaverse project
The goal of Decentraland (MANA) is to ensure that all members have a common space for interaction and dissemination of ideas about NFT. How does Decentraland do this? It gives users the opportunity to merge augmented reality and NFT to generate income for themselves.
This is done using blockchain technology to allow users to buy and sell land in the metaverse that has been stored as FT. In fact, users can rent parts of the land.
Through the power of augmented and virtual reality, users can take on a creative process and build whatever they want to sell their content to other members. They can also host other Apecoin members (APE) in the reality they have created.
Big Eyes Coin (BIG) – Continues to raise large funds for an exciting launch
Big Eyes Coin (BIG) is the newest addition to the family of community tokens that opens the doors of NFT to its users. For Big Eyes Coin (BIG), the essence is to create a platform that allows users to interact and form an established community that is equal without centralization of assets and power.
Big Eyes Coin (BIG) offers users a platform that connects them to various aspects of the crypto universe. One of these sectors is NFT. Through the top 10 NFT collections, BIG users can access various events and content that will ensure the community grows.
Why these three?
Apecoin (APE), Decentraland (MANA) and Big Eyes Coin (BIG) offer their users a viable platform to connect NFT creators and collectors through their tokens. The ability to create a full-fledged community that thrives on equality ensures that these three cryptocurrencies are here to stay. Apecoin (APE) and Decentraland (MANA) are currently in the cryptocurrency market, but Big Eyes Coin (BIG) is still in the pre-sale phase.
But just as Apecoin (APE) members celebrated for investing early, Big Eyes Coin (BIG) offers NFT enthusiasts an even bigger opportunity.
You can join advance sale now before it’s too late.