Tokyo, Japan, July 6, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) – We are a dynamic NFT project of the new generation, where the implementation of the world’s first gas telecom mechanics using Chainlink Oracles. With this sentence we begin our introduction.
Still, it’s very difficult to put the whole meaning of our project into just one sentence (imagine what a challenge it was to fill out the headline on our Twitter profile).
We’re not about the money
Most nft projects offer collections for one and only one possible purpose: to make money. We want to give our collectors much more opportunities, since the world is so diverse. In addition to a good and profitable investment, we offer quite tangible bonuses for using Gas.
Gas is a concept that an active crypto investor encounters on a daily basis. If you use your cryptocurrency every day, you do not need to explain what a Gas is. Now imagine that every time this gas will be used as a treat for your personal digital monster.
We wanted to create not just a collection, but something that could captivate and entertain. The world of crypto investing is a stressful environment where you constantly have to monitor the market, take risks and sometimes lose. And if you buy NFT GasMonster – you may get a little distracted by the robot monster, watch it grow and change.
The competitive effect
We strongly believe that nft importance is not just about pretty cards and reselling them. At least we would not think that crypto art is just about that. We have seen many projects that are similar to each other, and we did not want to be just another “one of them”. We wanted to create something similar to a game, and give collectors a sense of competitive spirit.
And we have succeeded! Everyone can compete: who wants a cooler GasMonster? The thing is, the characters eventually transform from cute creatures to robot warriors. Also, every warrior is unique and different from the others, just like in life, even if we do a common cause, is there a ban on individuality? All our owners can compete for who has the coolest monster.
Spoiler – the coolest warriors want those who use gas most often.
We really wanted to bring something new to the market. To be the first in something, to be original. And you know what? We will be the first NFT project on the market with Chainlink Oracles counting gas.
To better understand: Oracles are data streams that connect Ethereum with information from the outside world. They will confirm the amount of gas used by each holder to let the character grow and eventually become a formidable robot.
Oracle usually consists of a smart contract and some stand-alone components. And they are often used as network APIs to search for data in smart contracts. But in the function of transmitting information about wasted gas, they will really be used for the first time. And it is a revolutionary solution that makes the project unique.
The real value
Unlike some other projects (let’s not mention them, we want to give collectors real, true value. Hype, marketing strategies, memes and junk talk are all very cool, but in our opinion there must be something useful and laborious behind it all, do you not agree?
Of course, most expensive NFT has its own idea. And when it comes to goblin town, their idea is something unusual, which is to break all guns: no roadmap and Discord, utility, complete anonymity. But what then? What do the owners get in a month, after everyone has had enough of the rumbling Santa Claus?
GasMonsters is not about a temporary and fast-moving hype. It’s about perspective and playing the game “in the long run”. The acquisition of our NFT is just the beginning, because next time we have to develop our monster, grow it, feed it to Gas and watch it robotize.
This project was created by the parent company Consensus Base Inc.