Exohood Building Blockchain with sensational scalability

Since blockchain technology offers the ideal answer with security, decentralization, and scalability throughout the protocol, the Exohood team seeks to promote it.
Exohood’s protocol will therefore be able to work on a blockchain such as Ethereum that allows DApps and on-chain compatibility. The implementation of Exohood Smart Chain is the other prominent development component in the project. It uses a modified version of the industry standard IBFT proof of Authority consensus protocol, making it the ideal consensus algorithm for public blockchains with a group of well-known validators involved in blockchain creation.
Current validators can suggest and vote to add or remove validators using our on-chain voting system. All the already available Ethereum tools, smart contracts, decentralized applications and standard applications built on Ethereum JSON RPC, such as MetaMask, will support Exohood Smart Chain. However, the Exohood blockchain will enable a low carbon footprint and offer fantastic scalability and performance.
Technical background
Monero / CryptoNote open source projects served as the basis for the Exohood blockchain, a UTXO model blockchain that has now been completely stripped of all privacy features. As of our blockchain update, transactions and addresses are completely open to the public, much like Bitcoins. This adapts us to international regulations.
The protocol for CryptoNote
To provide end users with the best blockchain technology currently available, Exohood blockchain is built on top of CryptoNote Protocol, an open source platform with sophisticated math and cryptographic features.
Evidence of double consumption
Because our UTXO accounting is database driven, no one can use the same EXO more than once.
Proof of responsibility
Our block validation is licensed, and the companies authorized to validate blocks are hired and closely monitored based on how responsibly they spend the money from their validations and how friendly they interact with other members of our network.
Exohood develops and branches off from the Monero project. Nevertheless, we have made some characteristic and crucial changes to the protocol to move towards becoming the widely used mobile cryptocurrency. By eliminating Monero’s privacy features, some of the key features we’ve added provide better blockchain transaction flow and KYC & AML (Know Your Customer & Anti-Money Laundering) procedures.
ExoCoin is a mobile miner that distributes a small amount of EXO daily to users, which facilitates market liquidity and promotes viral development. We are developing a global platform for fast bitcoin payments. Instant SPEND EXO is simply a component of that equation. We are working on an API that will make it easy to integrate ACCEPT EXO immediately. As a result, it will be easy to enable fast check-out on an e-commerce system and to offer seamless interaction with ePOS systems (electronic points of sale or checkout). ExoCoin’s base is open source and available for unrestricted use. By introducing a new consensus method that we have called Proof of Responsibility and converting the entire blockchain without permission to a moderated blockchain, we have made some significant changes to the kryptonote network.