Do you regret “big resignation”?
They say that before you make any big decisions in life, including those in business, you should STOP (hungry, angry, lonely, tired).

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Still, it’s doubtful that the 47 million Americans who quit their jobs during the pandemic (according to the U.S. Department of Labor’s latest “Job Openings and Labor Turnover” report) stopped to examine their motivations.
Or if the 20% of global workers who plan to move roles within the next 12 months (according to PwC’s “Global Workforce Hopes and Fears Survey” of more than 52,000 workers globally, conducted in March 2022) will do the same.
Statistics show that of those who took the big layoff, PwC found, one-third did so for financial reasons, while the remaining two-thirds realized as the pandemic continued that they wanted a deeper sense of satisfaction and flexibility from their careers. . And then they jumped.
Now new research from McKinsey shows that 40% of those who have changed jobs in the last six months experience regret and are already looking for other new roles.
“The Great Regret”, as it is called, mixed with a tight job market, overrides the existing career rules we have based our entire professional lives on. Rules such as, spend at least 12 months in a role before moving on; give a new job at least three to six months before you decide it’s not for you; and worry about how changing jobs will look on your resume. These old-fashioned career dictates are no longer followed, and for good reason.
We learned a lot about ourselves and what we want from our personal and professional lives during the pandemic. The acceptance of hybrid work as the new norm is just one example of worker-led system change.
How, where, when and why we do business has changed forever. And so is our approach to job hunting, career progression and company cultures. “Fine” is no longer a good enough description for a job. So for those who jumped in the last 18 months and are experiencing regret, take everything you’ve learned and get back out there.
There are many roles available on Fintech Futures Job Boardbut before you change jobs again, remember the following:
Learn from your mistakes
What is it about this role that you don’t like: Is it the work or is it the culture? If it is a similar position to your previous role, your day-to-day duties should be similar and your workload should be manageable. If you’ve moved up to the next level, recognize that it’s going to take time to learn the ropes while taking on additional responsibilities.
There’s no shame in admitting you need extra support, and in fact, a sign of good leadership is asking for help rather than suffering in silence, letting projects or wider teams suffer.
However, a culture clash is a bit more difficult to fix. So before you move again, compare the culture between this company and your last one and find out the differences. And don’t be afraid to look at the personal aspects.
Did you know that for 70% of people, having friends at work makes the difference between being happy or not (according to HubSpot/Officevibe)? If you were at your last company for several years, the depth of your friendships and understanding of the company culture will be difficult to replicate. Difficult, not impossible, but it will take time. That means if you want to make friends, be proactive. Go to the office an extra day a week. Ask colleagues for coffee. Learn about their personal lives. It’s the small interactions between encounters and tasks that can make a role more enjoyable.
Level up
Are you bored? Did you think the problem was your previous role or employer, but the problem is actually you? If so, it may be time to level up. Could you start applying for more senior roles and use this transition period as an opportunity to present yourself as more of a leader in a new setting?
Use your current role as a chance to gather examples of your leadership skills, then step outside your comfort zone and take on new projects, start working in a slightly more collaborative way with colleagues and most importantly, start recording all your wins like that you have leadership examples in time for your new interview.
Explore new avenues
Whatever decision or realization you come to, the fact is that you are looking for a new role and therefore you need to explore new avenues. A great place to start is Fintech Futures Job Board which has both vacant roles and company profiles, which means you get a feel for an employer even before you apply for a role.
When you get an interview for a new role, don’t shy away from “Why do you want to leave your current role?” questions. Be honest. Explain that you moved because of X and Y, and after you settled in, you realized it wasn’t a good fit for how you like to work. Now you hope to find a new role in a company that will give you the opportunity to do your best work.