Blockchain will play a central role in combating cyber attacks

Cyber ​​attacks have become an unwanted but now common occurrence as the world becomes increasingly digital and operations move online. The high growth potential of blockchain technology can play a central role in countering cyber attacks.

There is not one specific way, but a multitude of ways blockchain can help defend against a cyber attack. From making data comprehension easier to enhancing pre-existing security measures, the potential for blockchain appears to have no limit in cybersecurity.

“Cyber ​​attacks on critical assets will increase, and blockchain will be at the heart of successfully fending them off,” noted a Business Wire press release. “Blockchain adoption will enable administrators to gain better visibility of procedures at various nodes in the government value chain.”

“The technology will be extremely beneficial to segments such as managing digital identities, regulating international financial settlements and securing defense procurement and weapon systems,” the release added. “Furthermore, future battlefields will use computerized and IoT-based communication platforms. Blockchain will be an important component in encryption and securing battlefield strategies.”

Gain active growth exposure to blockchain

Passive management outperformed active management during the last decade-long bull run, but the tide is beginning to turn. As such, actively managed opportunities are worth noting, especially when it comes to gaining exposure to the high growth potential of blockchain technology.

Investors looking for active strategy opportunities can look to exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Special Amplify Transformational Data Sharing ETF (BLOK) is an option to consider.

The fund has an active management strategy that can flex with market movements by placing holdings in the hands of experienced portfolio managers. BLOK adds diversified exposure and cryptocurrency exposure without investing in the currencies themselves.

While the majority of the fund (75%) contains holdings in North America-based companies, the fund also adds a touch of diversification with holdings in Western Europe and Asia-Pacific. This means that the fund can gain exposure to growth opportunities abroad where blockchain technology can be used to its full extent.

The fund invests in companies that collaborate with or invest directly in companies that use and develop blockchain technology, the technology behind cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin.

Summary of BLOK’s features per product website:

  • Global equity portfolio of professionally selected companies involved in blockchain technology and indirect crypto exposure.
  • An active management approach can enable the fund to remain flexible, make timely decisions and identify companies best positioned to profit from the evolving blockchain technology space.
  • Convenience and transparency of the ETF structure.

For more news, information and strategy, visit Crypto channel.

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