Blockchain Pioneer Vitalik Buterin, Polygon Co-Founder Commits $100M to Pandemic Research


Blockchain pioneers Vitalik Buterin of Ethereum fame and Polygon founder Sandeep Nailwal have teamed up with India-based crypto fund Crypto Relief in an extraordinary initiative aimed at combating the devastating impact of COVID-19.

In a remarkable display of solidarity and innovation, they have pledged to contribute a staggering $100 million to critical areas such as COVID-19 research and the development of essential medical infrastructure.

This ground-breaking collaboration not only demonstrates the enormous potential of blockchain technology, but also highlights the deep commitment of these visionary leaders to make a tangible difference in the face of a global crisis.

The infusion of $90 million in USD coins from Crypto Reliefcombined with Buterin’s personal contribution of $10 million, sets the stage for a concerted effort to effectively allocate these funds and address the pressing needs of the Indian healthcare system.

Blockchain luminaries unite to tackle the COVID-19 crisis in India

Crypto Relief, a community-driven fund dedicated to providing financial assistance during the challenging times of the COVID-19 pandemic in India, has found powerful allies in the form of blockchain luminaries Buterin and Nailwal. Together, they embark on a ground-breaking mission to combat the devastating effects of the virus and contribute to the development of new medical technologies in the country.

In a Twitter poststhe Ethereum co-founder emphasized the need for a comprehensive and global solution to address not only the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, but also future pandemics that pose significant risks in the 21st century.

Acknowledging the importance of merging scientific innovation in frontier countries with practical implementation on the ground, Buterin stressed the urgency of taking collective action.

Target research areas: Airborne transmission and prolonged covid

Buterin further explained that a significant portion of the allocated funds would be directed towards crucial COVID-19 research. The focus of this research will primarily be on understanding and combating COVID-19’s airborne transmission by developing advanced medical equipment.

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In addition, the initiative aims to prioritize research into the long-term effects of COVID-19, often referred to as “Long COVID.”

With these concerted efforts and research goals, Buterin, Nailwal and their partners aim to make significant progress in tackling the immediate challenges posed by the pandemic and contribute to long-term solutions that will help mitigate the impact of COVID-19 and potential future outbreaks.

Blockchain: Continued Philanthropic Endeavors Of Buterin

Buterin’s commitment to making a positive impact extends beyond the current endeavor to support India in its fight against COVID-19. This recent initiative marks another example of Buterin’s philanthropic efforts.

A notable case occurred in April 2022 when Buterin demonstrated his generosity by sending a substantial donation of 5 million dollars worth of ETH to “Help for Ukraine”. This contribution aimed to provide assistance to the defense of Ukraine against the invasion of Russia, which took place in February 2022.

Featured image from David Paul Morris/Bloomberg via Getty Images


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