Boulder, CO, April 07, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — As I write this article, Blockchain Bets is on the verge of joining a T1 exchange, MEXC, where the price can move very quickly after launch.
It currently sits at $0.013 per $BCB, and if people have read my previous articles, they will know that this project has all angles covered in abundance. If you want to learn more about $BCB’s Tokenomics, click the link. Please note that all calculations below are based on $878 million BCB as 122 million dollars has been burned.
Current $BCB price
Blockchain bets millionaire
So this article is not just about buying the token, holding and selling (although in this case it will most likely work), it is about maximizing your $BCB earning potential and understanding what the thresholds will be to have your skin in the game , and for how long.
The basic buy/sell approach
An investment of $1,000 in $BCB will give you approximately $77,000 BCB at the current market value ($0.013). For you to become a millionaire from a simple buy and sell model, this would require $BCB to be worth $12.99, 1000 times the current price, or $BCB to have a total market cap of $11.4b. Not impossible by any means, but something likely to be achieved in 2026/2027 if I had to make a prediction.
At $5,000 invested, $BCB would only need to be valued at $2.60 per token, or a total market cap of $2.28b. This may actually be achieved in the next bull run, given the pace of development on the platform, community, marketing and cross-chain wallet compatibility being built.
With $10,000 invested, we’re looking at $1.30 per token, or a total market capitalization of just $1.14b. Personally, I’d be shocked if we don’t see this before 2025.
The Staking Rewards model
The above is purely based on a buy and sell model, it does not take into account staking rewards from the platform and how this can significantly enhance or increase your investment. For the purpose of this article, I will focus on the current 30-day annualized percentage rate (APR) of 27.37%.
Estimated APR
Although this will fluctuate, the more engagement and users on the platform, the more likely it is to return significantly higher APR to stakers, but then I expect an increase in tokens staked, so it’s hard to say whether it will decrease, increase or stay within a higher and lower threshold for the next two years.
Current circulating supply fence
To help map out the earning potential, I’ve created the table below:
Rates APR over 1 and 2 years
Now, before I break this down, I want to be clear that the representation above recognizes that compounding occurs once per year, when in reality (depending on gas taxes), people will likely do this more regularly (monthly or quarterly). In addition, the figures have been rounded up or down accordingly.
If you’re curious about how to bet, I’ve made a guide for that too, click here.
$1000 investment
With an investment of $1,000, in one year we will have $98,075 BCB. For you to become a millionaire from betting for 1 year, this would require $BCB to be worth $10.20, 785 times the current price, or $BCB to have a total market cap of $8.96b.
Fast forward to March 2025 (2 years today), 124,918 $BCB would require $BCB to be worth $8.01, 615 times the current price, or $BCB to have a total market cap of $7.03b.
$5,000 investment
With an investment of $5,000, in one year we will have $490,375 BCB. For you to become a millionaire from betting for 1 year, this would require $BCB to be worth $2.04, 157 times the current price, or $BCB to have a total market cap of $1.79b.
Fast forward to March 2025 (2 years today), 624,590 $BCB would require $BCB to be worth $1.60, 123 times the current price or $BCB to have a total market cap of $1.40b.
$10,000 investment
With an investment of $10,000, in one year we will have $980,749 BCB. For you to become a millionaire from betting for 1 year, this would require $BCB to be worth $1.02, 78 times the current price, or $BCB to have a total market cap of $895m.
Fast forward to March 2025 (2 years today), 1,249,180 $BCB would require $BCB to be worth $0.80, 62 times the current price, or $BCB to have a total market cap of $702m.
Personally, I believe that a $10,000 investment in this project at the current price will make you a millionaire by March 2025. Although I pay attention to financial advice, I strongly believe that Blockchain Bets will be a multi-billion dollar symbol in during the next 2 years. This would also lead me to argue that an investment of $5,000 would also lead you to break the millionaire zone, based on the fact that you are staking tokens on the platform.
Crypto millionaire
Anything short of this, you may have to wait a little longer, hope for the biggest bull run to date or aim for $500-750k profit instead (it’s a hard life I know). In reality, however, not many projects will provide the risk/reward opportunity that Blockchain Bets does for these types of gains.
One thing not considered here is that Blockchain Bets may also decide to burn additional tokens depending on how well the platform performs. Should this happen, the price per token will eventually rise faster than expected and the total market capitalization target will be lower to reach your target.
Personal inventory
For anyone curious, I currently have about $525,000 BCB, which puts me at $851,714 BCB over the next 2 years subject to the APR % as mentioned above. Therefore, I need $BCB to be worth $1.17, 90 times the current price, or $BCB to have a total market cap of $1.03b. I will of course be looking to add to my bags over the coming months.
Where to buy Blockchain games
Important contact information
How to get involved with Blockchain Bets:
BCB Twitter: @BCBerc20
BCB Telegram:
BCB main website:
BCB Betting Website:
BCB Staking website: