Bitget’s social trading platform could be a game-changer in the crypto industry – here’s why

Blockchain Economy London Summit was the scene of an insightful interview between Crypto news and Jay Lee, assistant director of marketing at Bitget crypto exchange. The topic of discussion was social commerce and how it could revolutionize the crypto industry.
During his interview, Jay explained how Bitget differs from other crypto exchanges in the market and how they approach listing new cryptocurrencies on the platform.
Reliable and transparent information for copy traders
Lee noted that the key difference in Bitget is its function for social commerce. He mentioned that while other exchanges also have social trading, Bitget ensures that all traders’ information is genuine and evaluates all traders in a transparent manner to ensure that reliable information is provided to copy traders.
He further explained that Bitget monitors the trading history of expert traders who sign up for the service to assess their performance. That way, a trader cannot fake their performance to trick other users into following them.
Lee stated that becoming a social trader on Bitget comes with incentives such as getting 2.5% of followers’ profits. Bitget pays this incentive up front, as they want their users to keep their assets, and don’t want to take money out of their profits.
In particular, Bitget does not charge any deposit fees for European and UK customers.
When asked how Bitget evaluates new cryptocurrencies to list on the platform, Lee noted that they attend all blockchain events to find new listing projects, and have a professional listing team to add and evaluate projects. He added that they are more curious about a project’s “community, size and liquidity.”
There is a comprehensive set of criteria checks in place to ensure that only the most promising projects are listed on the platform.
Cutting edge education and community in the crypto industry.
On the topic of how to best educate newcomers to the space, Lee explained that Bitget has Bitget Academy to produce videos and articles that provide tips, market insights and one-click copy trading to help customers. He further mentioned that Bitget’s social trading feature would attract more newbies to the crypto industry by offering trusted traders to follow.
Lee sees social commerce developing to have a large market size in the future. He predicted that it will now 3.8 billion dollars USD in 2028, up from $2.2 billion today. Lee also noted that Bitget is already ranked first by social trading volume and has the largest global community, with over 380,000 social traders.
Therefore, Bitget will continue to pioneer the social commerce industry.