BetBlock – The world’s first FIFA 2022 World Cup decentralized NFT betting syndicate

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BetBlock NFT

BetBlock NFT

BetBlock and the full Doxed team are launching the world’s first decentralized NFT gaming syndicate, read and get in early for maximum profits.

LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM, Nov. 30, 2022 / — BetBlock and the full Doxed team are launching the world’s first decentralized NFT gaming syndicate, read and get in early for maximum profits.

For the very first time, you will be allowed to use virtual currency to bet on FIFA World Cup 2022 through the world’s first decentralized NFT-based betting syndicate organized by BetBlock.

This BetBlock syndicate has a group of people who share a similar thought process, who are given a dedicated website, telegram group and discord to connect and collaborate.

The bidding is designated with a total prize of $6,000,000.00. You can register early for the stake to earn maximum NFTs.

The BetBlock NFT World Cup Syndicate will be launched publicly in 5 collections each with different dates, details of which are here. For more information on betting, you can visit

This betting syndicate will allow people to exchange money while enjoying sports. A syndicate allows participants to bid larger numbers than they would individually.

A betting syndicate ensures better chances of winning and is low risk due to smaller contributions from each member of the syndicate.

In addition, the Betting Syndicate can provide an opportunity for socialization and camaraderie among members apart from bidding.

The 22nd edition of the FIFA World Cup in which national teams registered with FIFA compete in a football match is to be held in Qatar in 2022, which has already initiated betting.

FIFA is a four-year championship, and this year is scheduled to take place in Asia for the first time. The tournament will be held from 21 November to 18 December 2022, where 32 nations will compete against each other.

The 2022 FIFA World Cup bid was won by Qatar and was unanimously awarded as tender due to human rights concerns and heightened corruption allegations against FIFA officials.

The game is powered by BetBlock, which is a secure platform with a mission to provide space for FIFA game lovers.
Using Ethereum’s smart contracts, BetBlock allows members to withdraw their resources and bet on various sporting events.


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