Another powerful DeFi tool made by DexKit, this time focusing on NFTs

NFT Marketplace Wizard

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NFT Marketplace’s comparison
With millions of dollars of investors in the markets, creators will now be a little closer to getting their fair share, with no people or entities involved.
— João Campos, Lead Developer at DexKit
NATAL, RIO GRANDE DO NORTE, BRAZIL, Sept. 24, 2022 / — In previous articles, we featured Brazilian tech startup DexKit, which is dedicated full-time to creating simple tools and solutions for decentralized economy users, and that they in two years of traction has amassed a portfolio of utilities large enough to compete with multi-million dollar capital projects. Today, the project rests on a bed of real liquidity close to USD 200,000 that enables new investors to have a sufficient financial floor not to lose high percentages of their investments.
Following the economic topic, let’s focus from now on the latest tool produced by the project, which positions itself as one of the most useful ever created (considering that it is the first of its kind, as cited by the team in this blog post), and this tool is the fully decentralized open source NFT marketplace with an added bonus: a great NFT marketplace creation wizard that allows anyone to have their own NFT marketplace without paying a dime.
While it is true that there are already dozens of decent competitors that allow their clients to create NFT marketplaces, there are a sea of differences between their projects and the one developed by DexKit, namely:
Best cost-value ratio: creating and hosting the NFT marketplace from the included wizard is free and using decentralized hosting for it (Vercel)
Open source forever: DexKit received a solid cash advance from its largest partner, the 0x project, to keep this tool open source. Anyone can share the repository on Github, add their own features and distribute it to their trusted host.
Secure and scalable: the tool is designed with TypeScript, which includes a high capacity to execute commands in real time, efficiently and without data leakage or possible penetration by hackers. This language is the best ally of Smart Contracts and allows infinite features to be added in the future without affecting production.
Greater compatibility with new EVM networks: Ethereum, Binance Chain, Polygon, Avalanche, Fantom and soon Arbitrum are listed as the networks compatible with this NFT tool, thus ensuring bigger and better market share compared to projects like Niftify which only support Ethereum and Polygon (despite the high cost of their services), among others.
You will never be banned from your marketplace, nor will you be able to ban anyone, because by the measure you measure you will be measured, right?
Premium service available soon: The project seeks to provide a personal service to all those who want to start their digital business with help and better functions. In this case, and for a very low monthly fee (yet to be defined), new features will be added to the NFT Marketplace creation wizard for the customer who subscribes to it (multipage pages, FIAT gateway, fully customizable sections with gradients , social media feed on live, Google analytics, among other aspects), thus competing with big brands by offering a better tool, at a better price.
DexKit invites all people to try the tools that have been made available through this journey, which have been improved with a lot of care and patience until today, where every one of them looks and works well.
Eliécer Hernández F.
Verisafe Tecnologias da Informaçao LTDA
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NFT Marketplace by DexKit