An NFT collection that creates a metaverse and unites a global community
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The team that announced in early 2021 that it would create a project that would unite millions of people around the world and decided to compete with Facebook’s Meta, is already showing good results in October 2022 and is attracting more and more attention from the crypto community.
Currently, the NFT Grower community has more than 21,000 members worldwide, and the team has set a goal to exceed 100,000 members by the end of the year. Despite the bear market, the capital of the manufacturer’s NFT investment pool is growing, and very soon the team will announce the sale of the NFT collection on Binance, which the community is waiting for so much, because very significant prospects will be available to NFT owners, which will all be known about in the announcement.
Despite the bear market and the downward trend in the industry, NFT Grower plans to expand the team from 93 to 115 people by the end of the year, this is due to the active phase of metaverse development and the preparation of a large advertising campaign USA, Japan, India and Latin -America.
The great interest of the public is attracted by the fact that the project team actively interacts with the community in a chat, holding periodic conferences in Telegram or Discord where they answer questions and discuss important events in the crypto world. In a recent interview, the financial director of the project, Manuel Gonzalez, said that the financial team of the NFT producer feels confident and expects either the beginning of a long break in the near future, in case they have a plan prepared or there will be the beginning of a bullish cycle, and very soon they are already fully prepared for it.
The project group believes that now is the time to prepare for the bull run. The bear market knocked out the weak so that the strong could buy more assets at this time and become even stronger. Now the time has come when those who were bulls at around $60,000 for one bitcoin have already changed their minds and want to sell everything, at least without a loss, and this signals to us that this is a great opportunity time. All those who are currently in the market and will do the right thing will definitely increase their capital significantly this year.
As a result, we can conclude that NFT Grower is now moving in the right direction and they have every prospect of becoming a leader in the WEB3 market and among Metaverse projects. The project team grew from 11 people to 93 in a year and brought together the best specialists with skills and experience to create a global project.