TZ APAC Enables Filipino Artists and Startups to Transform on the Blockchain, web3 – Manila Bulletin

Using the blockchain has quickly become a part of our lives. The technology platform has also redefined how artists and creators are compensated for the value of their work. It has also served as a way to promote one’s work and protect their rights online.

As a decentralized, distributed and public digital ledger used to record transactions across many computers, the blockchain prevents records from being changed retroactively without changing all subsequent blocks and consensus in the network (which is why the original use of this the technology is traced back to financial transactions).

TZ APAC[headquarteredinSingaporeenablingartistsandstartupstotransformontheblockchainbydesigningvalue-addedstrategieswithabottom-upapproachTheentityworkscloselywithblockchainexpertsandotherstakeholdersintheTezosecosystemFoundedbytheTZAPAC[medhovedkontoriSingaporegjørdetmuligforkunstnereogstartupsåtransformereblokkjedenvedådesigneverdiøkendestrategiermedennedenfraogopp-tilnærmingEnhetenjobbertettmedblockchain-eksperterogandreinteressenteriTezos-økosystemetTZAPACerstøttetavTezosFoundation[isenablingartistsandstartupstotransformontheblockchainbydesigningvalue-addedstrategieswithabottom-upapproachTheentityworkscloselywithblockchainexpertsandotherstakeholdersintheTezosecosystemTZAPACissupportedbytheTezosFoundation

Tezos is an open source decentralized platform, blockchain and ecosystem for assets, applications and services. The platform is supported by a global community of participants, composed of validators, researchers, developers and builders committed to growing the ecosystem.

“Our mission is to empower the Asian champions – artists, students, startups – through blockchain technology. We are active on the education front, and are one of the main partners for IOI (International Olympiad for Informatics) 2022, the largest competition for computer scientists at the school level”, according to Jivan Tulsiani, Head of Marketing at TZ APAC during my exclusive interview earlier this month.

A blockchain designed to evolve, security focused, upgradeable and built to last. Tezos takes creators to discover how blockchain technology by inspiring them to innovate around NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens), the metaverse and many more.

“We meet a lot of (startup) entrepreneurs to nurture them in our incubator programs. The Philippines is one of the most exciting markets in terms of blockchain adoption and NFTs. It is a very important market for us. We work very closely for to build very strong communities and people like Loopymoon, one of the brilliant examples of artistic excellence that is there in the Philippines,” Tulsiani added.

Loopymoon is a Filipino multidisciplinary artist experimenting with trippy digital patterns and collages that wants to bring the texture, “blur” and feel of paint (oil, acrylic, etc.) to the digital realm. This artist also experiments with AI (Artificial Intelligence) art, using it as a base canvas with which he creates even more loopy patterns and scenes.

“I started looking into crypto back in 2017; I tried to invest, somehow, and I realized that it was very difficult at the time – I lost most of it. In 2020-2021, the artist I followed sold his NFT for USD 69 million and it was shocking. I thought: maybe there is something here and I started sharing my art through NFTs. I was one of the first artists on the Tezos platform. I entered (the space) because it was like a vehicle for Web3 where there is ownership of the things you create,” said Loopymoon, who is the leading Filipino artist in the Tezos ecosystem with nearly 3,000 works of art under his belt.

TZ APAC said they are very encouraged by what they are seeing with the Web3 community in the Philippines and are calling for more initiatives. As artists and community members in the region empower and collaborate with each other, the entity pledged its utmost support to endeavors that the local Web3 community will lead.



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