Coming soon – a CV validating blockchain network for job seekers

An online CV validation network has been backed by more than a dozen board members from companies including Aon, Oracle, SAP, UKG and ZipRecruiter with the aim of reducing the time and cost of assessing job candidates.

The network is part of a trend by governments, schools and businesses to create verifiable digital IDs – self-sovereign digital identities – that can be used to verify everything from creditworthiness and college diplomas to licenses and business-to-business credentials.

The Velocity Network, now piloted internally by business members, will enable employers to verify a job candidate’s diplomas, certifications and work experience almost instantly. Employers using HR software can also issue verified credentials to employees, who can then access and share this information through a blockchain-based, online ledger.

A job candidate who uses the network will essentially get a digital wallet secured through cryptography via the ledger. They can then choose to offer potential employers whatever verified information they choose via a public key.

The network was created and is operated by the Velocity Network Foundation, a Delaware-based nonprofit whose mission is to allow workers to store and share verifiable educational, licensing and experience credentials online with job opportunities.

“Verifying applicant career records can take days, weeks, if not months, to complete,” said Dror Gurevich, founder and CEO of the Velocity Network Foundation. “Hiring practices are seriously out of date to the point that one in three Americans have admitted to lying on their resume, which slows the hiring process tremendously.

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