Bitcoin Faces Global Market Liquidity Steamroller – Bitcoin Magazine

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Below is an excerpt from a recent issue of Bitcoin Magazine Pro, Bitcoin Magazine premium market’s newsletter. To be among the first to receive this insight and other market analysis on the bitcoin chain straight to your inbox, Subscribe now.

Liquidity is in the driver’s seat

By far, one of the most important factors in any market is liquidity – which can be defined in many different ways. In this piece, we cover some ways to think about global liquidity and how it affects bitcoin.

An overall view of liquidity is the central banks’ balance sheets. As central banks have become the marginal buyer of their own government debt, mortgage-backed securities and other financial instruments, this has added more liquidity to the market to buy assets further up the risk curve. A seller of government bonds is a buyer of another asset. When the system has more reserves, money, capital, etc. (however you want to describe it), they have to go somewhere.

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