Miracle World – Taking people to a new era with innovative integration of DEFI and NFT


Published April 12, 2023

NFT turnover exceeded $200 million in the first week of 2023, an increase of approximately 26% from the last week of 2022, with 400,748 NFT buyers, 1.2 million NFT transactions, 19 different blockchain networks, and total NFT volume of $208.99 million. It’s safe to say that in 2023, the future of NFT looks brighter than ever. As more and more people discover the irreplaceable and unique benefits of NFT, investing in NFT is becoming the most popular category in the crypto asset world!

1. What is NFT?

NFT, known as Non-Fungible Token, which is essentially credible digital equity credentials with uniqueness in blockchain. It provides a new way to prove the ownership and authenticity of digital assets. This makes it easier to sell and transfer unique items, while preventing processing. For example, digital artwork converted to NFT can be traced back to the original creator, providing a clear record of ownership. This helps prevent unauthorized copying or distribution of artwork, and makes it easier for buyers and sellers to trade with confidence!

2. Area of ​​application for NFT:

NFT has a wide range of applications and covers art, music, games, virtual real estate and other fields. In the art field, it can be used to prove ownership and identity of digital works and give them value. In the area of ​​music, NFT can be used to prove copyright and ownership of musical works and assign them value. In gaming, it can be used to prove ownership of game props and characters and give them value. In virtual real estate, NFTs can be used to prove the ownership of virtual lands and buildings and assign values ​​to them!

3. DEFI and NFT market value:

DeFi and NFT are two of the most important innovations in the blockchain space in recent years. While DeFi is primarily focused on enabling decentralized financial transactions, the convergence between DeFi and NFT provides new opportunities for liquidity and value creation in the blockchain space.

One of the most important benefits of combining DeFi and NFT is that it can provide liquidity value-adding benefits to NFT owners. Using DeFi protocols such as decentralized exchanges (DEX) and liquidity pool, it allows NFT owners to provide liquidity to their assets and receive rewards in the form of cryptocurrency. This not only increases the liquidity value of NFT, but also provides new opportunities for value creation!

4. Miracle World takes you to a new era of DEFI and NFT integration for innovative wealth

Miracle World is an NFT crowdfunding raffle financial platform, founded by Miracle Fund, which gathers blockchain crypto-asset technology elites from Silicon Valley and Wall Street fund industry experts, which combines blockchain technology products with financial attributes NFT with Internet DEFI vault decentralized finance, and raffle entertainment perfect. The DEFI vault precision program provides financial multiplication and distributes the proceeds according to the rules of NFT interests held by the user. In Miracle World, users can not only get high multiples of bonuses through the platform, but also realize the need for sound and safe financial management on the platform:

Miracle World will radiate the global market and quickly occupy market shares through a unique and new innovative model. The platform operation is simple and easy to understand, the encryption technology is perfect and secure, plus the DEFI vault perfect closed loop. It allows users to get a high winning income multiplier, the later the winning period, the higher the bonus multiplier, 100% profit, and truly realize low risk and high return. Miracle World will gather several big names in the industry to enrich the ecological alliance development one after another, and will participate in the game quiz, global payment, global entertainment, global consumption, global tourism and global recreation and medical treatment.

The operation process of Miracle World is very simple: users register and log in – subscribe to NFT – participate in NFT crowdfunding lottery – wait for the prize to be opened to get the reward for the waiting day – when the number of people is enough, draw – the winner destroys NFT for to exchange the bonus out of the game, re-subscribe to enter or leave the game – no prize continues to wait for the draw to the winner or leaves the game. Easy for everyone to get started, easy to get the benefits back!

5. Forecast and outlook for NFT in 2023

With the development of NFT’s innovative models, it has now become the most influential digital asset guarantee proof. In the future, NFT digital collections will play a more important role in the digital collectibles market. The cost advantage of NFT is also a development potential. Because NFT has a unique decentralized guarantee character, there are no costs when obtaining NFT. In addition, NFT has the opportunity to expand in the financial field rich in infinite space, traditional finance, Internet financing is incomparable, so that it can achieve a true decentralized transactions in the future. This will strongly promote the development of the NFT market, so that investors have greater investment freedom and returns. And as investors place more emphasis on NFT investments, the future will see NFT continue to expand in scope. More and more forms of NFT business models are being researched and created, which have great potential.

Based on the above analysis, the overall development prospects for NFT in 2023 are enormous and the market development potential is unlimited. By improving technology, strengthening capital investment and raising awareness, and integrating innovative models, the NFT industry will usher in a huge explosive development. To keep up with the times and grasp the opportunities of the future.

Let’s join forces with Miracle World, together we can share the wealth of the trillion dollar blue ocean market for DEFI and NFT!

Media contact
Company name: The world of miracles
Contact person: John
Email: Send email
Country: United States
Website: miracleworld.io

Miracle World – Taking people to a new era with innovative integration of DEFI and NFT

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