2023 NvirWorld Summit – Blockchain Innovation Company

Seoul, South Korea, Dec. 20, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Blockchain company NvirWorld held its “2023 NvirWorld Summit” in Seoul back on December 17.

The 2023 NvirWorld Summit was held at COEX Auditorium in Gangnam District. More than 1000 guests, including NvirWorld’s NWX-Club NFT holders, NVIR Token holders, blockchain industry officials, NvirWorld invitees, media press, influencers and more have attended this event.

Although the 2023 NvirWorld Summit was held in private where no filming and recording is allowed as they planned to announce yet-to-be-disclosed information, it is public knowledge that they have signed the resale and referral agreement with the leading blockchain technology company that operates Metamask – ConsenSys. They have also released beta test recordings of their new services, shared more information about future services, visions and plans that fit Web 3.0 as a blockchain company.

NvirWorld envisions innovating blockchain technology through the launch of its next-generation mainnet in Q4 2023. In particular, this mainnet will be powered by NvirWorld’s patented technology that allows users to use the network even when the internet goes down. Thus, not only people in countries and regions with poor internet network environment, those who have trouble opening a bank account can enjoy the financial benefits equally and freely.

Furthermore, NvirWorld has signed an MOU with the world’s largest charity NGO – World Vision on November 8 with both agreeing to build a donation system that can enable a healthier and better donation culture by using the next generation mainnet. Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation (MBC), a broadcasting channel in Korea also introduced the blockchain technologies behind the next-generation mainnet that NvirWorld is developing in their documentary – “Digital Era! Revolution of Blockchain” on December 18 (KST).

About NvirWorld

NvirWorld is a blockchain project that works to improve the shortcomings of layer 1 and 2 networks and provide increased scalability and stability to the network. NvirWorld currently operates an NFT Marketplace – “Nvir Market”, a DeFi platform – “N-Hub” and various services. “N-ground” – a VR gallery, NFT games, next-generation mainnet and more services will be launched in the near future. NvirWorld believes the development and deployment of NvirWorld’s next-generation mainnet will expand the possibilities of blockchain technology.

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